Thursday, January 26, 2012

What are your thoughts on the following boy names?

Do you like these names for brothers? Bodhi Reece (Bo-dee) and Cruz Maddox.

Can you think of another boy name and 2 girl names that would fit in with these two boy names as siblings?

Thanks! I will thumbs up the ones i like! The one with most thumbs will get best answer!

Thanks again!

~AlyssaWhat are your thoughts on the following boy names?
I like max and chris for boys and for girls I like mirandah and sarah

I'm not a big fan of what u have chosen for names but if that's what u like then go with it.

Best of luck:)
Seriously, a name is something you bear your whole life. No offense intended, they sound like adult film actor names, and just imagine how teased a kid with that name would be in school. I would recommend more traditional names. I personally like Travis and Scott for boys and Natalie or Angela for girls.What are your thoughts on the following boy names?
I don't like either of them. Reece is okay... Cruz Maddox sounds like it's trying too hard to be trendy and unique. Bodhi just sounds weird to me.What are your thoughts on the following boy names?
Idk I like the names Carlos, Oliver, michael, %26amp;George
LOVE Bodhi Reece but not Cruz Maddox. Girl names i like Bailey.

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